Recommended Reading List
Mountain men were a breed apart. They roamed the wilderness
hunting and trapping beaver until 1840. During this time period,
they explored and marked trails that later supported the opening
and settlement of the American frontier. During these "shining
times", over 3000 mountain men traversed the land west of
the Mississippi river. Some mountain men trapped for fur companies
such as the "American Fur Company" and the "Hudson
Bay Company". Other mountain men called themselves "Free
Trappers" and trapped independently.
Mountain men trapped their furs and beavers in the winter months
when animal pelts were their thickest. Winter in the mountains
was harsh, and the mountain man often lived in total isolation.
Many mountain men sought companionship with Native Americans,
learning and adoption Native American lifestyle and techniques
for survival. Come spring and the thaw, the mountain men took
their pelts and "plews" to "Rendezvous" to
trade for much needed supplies. The meeting place had been mutually
agreed upon the year before. Rendezvous was a time to rejoice,
lie, "palaver", gamble, compete with black powder guns,
hawk and knife, renew old friendships, and remember those friends
who had "gone under".
After Rendezvous the mountain man packed his plunder and disappeared
once again into the mountains to become one with the wilderness.
Below is a list of books and
periodicals that would be beneficial to read if you are interested
in "The Fur Trade Era", how the Mountain Men lived,
Black powder shooting, etc.
The Complete Black Powder Handbook, By Sam Fadala
A great book for the novice shooter as
well as the veteran black powder shooter.
Crow Killer, The Saga of Liver-Eating
Johnson, By Raymond W. Thorp
and Robert Bunker
Joe Meek,
By Stanley Vestal
Born in Virginia, Joe Meek became a trapper,
Indian fighter, pioneer, peace officer, frontier politician, and
lover of practical jokes and Jacksonian democracy.
Mountain Men and Fur Traders of the
Far West, Edited by LeRoy R.
The legendary mountain men--the fur traders
and trappers who penetrated the Rocky Mountains and explored the
Far West in the first half on the nineteenth century--formed the
vanguard of the American empire and became the heroes of American
The Company of Adventurers, By Isaac Cowie
A narrative of seven years in the service
of the Hudson's Bay Company during 1867-1874
The Southwest Expedition of Jedediah
Smith, Edited by George R. Brooks
No one did more to open the American
West than this mountain man. His greatest exploring expedition
came in 1826 when he looked to the Southwest for trapping grounds.
His personal account of the journey to California.
The American Fur Trade of the Far
West, By Hiram Martin Chittenden
Journal of a Trapper, By Osborne Russell
A classic piece of Western Americana
which has been described as the best account of a trapper in the
Rocky Mountains when the trade was at its peak.
French Fur Traders and Voyageurs in
the American West, Edited by
LeRoy R. Hafen
Forty Years a Fur Trader on the Upper
Missouri, By Charles Larpenteur
The son of French immigrants who settled
in Maryland, Charles Larpenteur was so eager to see the real American
West that he talked himself into a job with the Rocky Mountain
Fur Company in 1833.
Fur Traders, Trappers, and Mountain
Men of the Upper Missouri, Edited
by LeRoy R. Hafen
This book focuses on eighteen men who
represented the American Fur Company and its successors in the
Upper Missouri trade.
Jim Bridger,
By Stanley Vestal
Jim Bridger was one of the greatest explorers
and pathfinders in American history. He couldn't write his name,
but at eighteen he had braved the fury of the Missouri. When he
was only twenty, he had discovered the Great Salt Lake. Later
he was to open the Overland Stage, the Pony Express, and the Union
Pacific. One of the foremost trappers in the Rocky Mountain Fur
Company, he was a legend in his own time as well as ours. He remains
one of the most important scouts and guides in the history of
the West.
Bent's Fort,
By David Lavender
Bent's Fort was a landmark of the American
frontier, a huge private fort on the upper Arkansas River in present
southeastern Colorado. Established by the adventurers Charles
and William Bent, it stood until 1849 as the center of the Indian
trade of the central plains.
John Colter,
By Burton Harris
John Colter was a crack hunter with the
Lewis and Clark expedition before striking out on his own as a
mountain man and fur trader. He is known to history as probably
the first white man to discover the region that now includes Yellowstone
National Park.
Jedediah Smith and the Opening of the West, By Dale
L. Morgan
Trappers of the Far West, Edited by LeRoy R. Hafen
In the early 1800's vast fortunes were
made in the international fur trade, an enterprise founded upon
the effort of a few hundred trappers scattered across the American
West. From their ranks came men who still command respect for
their daring, skill, and resourcefulness. This volume brings together
brief biographies of seventeen leaders of the western fur trade.
Adventures of a Mountain Man, By Zenas Leonard
A free trapper until the summer of 1833,
when he entered the employ of Captain B.L.E. Bonneville, Leonard
was part of the group sent under command of Captain Joseph Walker
to explore the Great Salt Lake region--an expedition that resulted
in Walker's finding the overland route to California.
Indian Crafts and Skills, By David R. Montgomery
An illustrated Guide for making authentic Indian clothing, shelters and ornaments.