The Big Horn Mountain Men (BHMM) organization is dedicated
to promoting interest and understanding in the art of buckskinning,
and the legal and safe use of muzzle loading firearms. We engage
in educational, social and charitable programs beneficial to
the community. BHMM encourages membership in the
National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association
(NMLRA) and the National Rifle
Association (NRA).
The BHMM holds a
monthly black powder
shoot at a local range the first
Sunday of each month at
9:00 am. The
business meeting is held after the monthly shoot. The BHMM also sponsors a Rendezvous each year.
All members are strongly encouraged to attend and help run the events.
The BHMM members will gladly teach prospective
members interested in learning about mountain men and their
skills - shooting, camping, archery, and cooking. We have the
muzzleloaders & supplies so you can try your hand before
investing in any equipment.
Prospective members must attend one business meeting, two
shoots (exhibiting knowledge of gun safety, if they choose to shoot), and
submit a completed
membership application.
Dues are paid on an annual basis on or before
January 1st of each year. Dues for new members are $35.00, plus a
$20.00 initiation fee. New membership includes a BHMM membership
card, club patch, club medallion, and a copy of the by-laws, safety
and range rules. New members will be assigned sponsors to answer
questions, and help introduce new members to BHMM activities. We
also have a new class of membership which is an Associate member:
they pay half the regular membership dues and will only receive the
newsletter. An Associate member will not have voting rights. For
more information regarding membership or BHMM activities, write to:
Big Horn Mountain Men, 2179 N. Batavia Street, Orange, California
92865 For more information e-mail:
Secretary |